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Vampire Load is Real – Scary!

Vampire Load is Real – Scary!

Don’t Get Bitten by Vampire Load this Halloween

October is not only the month we celebrate Halloween – it’s also National Energy Efficiency Month! That makes it the perfect time to learn some new tricks for saving energy …

“Vampire load” is the energy that’s used when plugged-in TVs, computers, printers, smart devices, kitchen appliances, entertainment equipment and other electronics are turned off but still plugged in, usually in standby mode.

According to the Department of Energy, vampire appliances and electronics account for 10% of energy used in an average home – which means that a household that spends $2,000 annually on energy is spending $200 on vampire energy. Quite a bite!

Using a Smart, or Advanced Power Strip is a simple, inexpensive way to reduce vampire load, save money and be more energy efficient. Also, when you’re buying appliances, look for those with the ENERGY STAR® label. ENERGY STAR products meet electric efficiency qualifications and quality and performance standards.

Enjoy the “4 Tips to Keep Your Energy Bill from Haunting You” video from the U.S. Department of Energy.
Save energy and money -- check out SJG Energy Efficiency programs available exclusively for SJG customers.





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