Meter Reading

Meter Reading

Our goal is to make every experience with Elizabethtown Gas an outstanding one. That includes your monthly bill, and we work hard to ensure that every customer's bill is accurate. Elizabethtown Gas reads residential, commercial and some industrial meters every month.

Accurate readings ensure that you are paying for the exact amount of natural gas you use, not an estimated amount. If for some reason we cannot read your meter in a given month, you will receive a system-generated bill, which is calculated by considering past usage and adjusting it for exact weather conditions. If a system-generated bill is incorrect, any overcharge or undercharge will be corrected the following month. Which means we always bill you only for the gas you actually use.

Automated Meter Reading (AMR) devices ensure your meter reading is always accurate. An AMR device allows Elizabethtown Gas employees to read your natural gas meter remotely as they drive by in specially equipped vans. Getting an AMR installed is quick and convenient. Just call us at 1.800.242.5830.

You'll always know when we're scheduled to read your meter, because the date of our next reading is printed in the upper right corner of your bill.

If you have questions or concerns about meter reading, just call us at 1.800.242.5830


Don’t Hesitate: Ask to see a Company Photo ID

If a meter reader approaches your property, don't hesitate to ask to see their company photo ID. If you're in doubt about the identity of someone coming to your home, call us at 1.800.242.5830 If you feel threatened, call 911.

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