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Bring on the Chilly Weather

Bring on the Chilly Weather
Brrr-ing on the Savings: Cold Weather EE Tips

American households, on average, consume more than half (51%) of their household’s energy for just two uses: heating and air conditioning their space. This fall and winter, you can stay warm without wasting energy – start with these simple tips. 

In colder seasons: 

  • Open window coverings for natural light and warmth.
  • Keep the thermostat at the lowest temperature that’s comfortable: 68° F or lower with the fan switched on “auto” mode. To save more, set the thermostat to 65° F or lower overnight or when no one is home.
  • Close off unused rooms by shutting the door and/or closing the heating vents. 
  • Run ceiling fans counter-clockwise to circulate warm air. 
  • Turn off fans in unoccupied rooms. 
  • When cooking at home, take advantage of residual heat from your stove and oven; after you turn off the oven, leave the door open to allow warm air to escape (but be careful with children and pets).
  • Consider having an ETG Quick Home Energy Checkup – It's FREE for ETG customers

Do you rely on your fireplace to stay warm in fall and winter? Whether gas or wood-burning, make sure your fireplace is energy efficient, too. 

Save energy and money -- check out SJG Energy Efficiency programs available exclusively for SJG customers.





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