Aprender sobre la eficiencia energética puede ser divertido, ¡para adultos y niños! Así es como se juega al Bingo de Eficiencia Energética:
- Entregue a cada jugador una copia de la carta de juego a continuación (usando papel reciclado, si es posible).
- Dé a cada jugador suficientes piezas de juego para marcar cada cuadrado en el tablero. Las piezas pueden ser monedas, botones, damas, cacahuetes. ¡Siéntete libre de usar tu imaginación!
- Mencione cada práctica de ahorro de energía indicada en los cuadrados de la tarjeta. Los jugadores que hayan realizado recientemente la acción que se indica deben colocar una pieza de juego en esa casilla.
- Cuando un jugador llena cinco cuadrados seguidos, ya sea en diagonal, horizontal o verticalmente, debe decir "¡Bingo!"
Turned the heat or AC down at least 2 degrees | Washed clothes in cold water | Turned off the oven before time was up to capture residual heat | Used a programmable thermostat | Turned off the drying heat in the dishwasher and let dishes air dry |
Reduced the brightness of my computer screen | Unplugged the charger for an electric shaver | Turned off the lights when leaving a room | Unplugged the automatic coffeemaker | Turned off fans in unoccupied rooms |
Air-dried clothes instead of using the clothes dryer | Didn't open the oven door to check on what's inside | Unplugged a fully-charged device to avoid "vampire load" | Installed LED lightbulbs | Unplugged the charger for an electric toothbrush |
Turned off the shower/bath exhaust fan after running it for only 15 minutes | Reheated food quickly in the microwave instead of the oven | Removed computer screensavers | Installed or bought an ENERGY STAR® certified appliance | Used the moisture sensor on the clothes dryer to prevent over drying |
Took a water-saving shower instead of a bath | Unpluggged fully-charged power tools | Opened or closed window treatments to keep rooms warmer or cooler | Ran the dishwasher when it was completely full | Repaired a leaky faucet |
Save energy and money -- check out SJG Energy Efficiency programs available exclusively for SJG customers.